Pricing Plans

CPA Pilot Pricing

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Billed Monthly Billed Yearly
Free Plan
$0 $0
20 messages/month
Smartest CPA Pilot - With Federal and State Tax Codes
Uses GPT-4 the best AI available
Answers and cites sources from a deeper resource library
Free demo and Q&A session to learn best practices
20 messages/month
Purchase Now
CPA Pilot Unlimited
$99 $999
Unlimited messages
Smartest CPA Pilot - With Federal and State Tax Codes
Uses GPT-4 the best AI available
Answers and cites sources from a deeper resource library
Free demo and Q&A session to learn best practices
Unlimited messages
Purchase Now
CPA Pilot 60
$49 $499
60 messages/month
Smartest CPA Pilot - With Federal and State Tax Codes
Uses GPT-4 the best AI available
Answers and cites sources from a deeper resource library
Free demo and Q&A session to learn best practices
60 messages/month
Purchase Now
$49 $499
Everything you need for a
growing business
Unlimited file recovery
Professional reports
Sell on marketplaces
24/7 free support
Purchase Now

  Vetted authoritative sources only

  Uses GPT-4o the best AI available

  Answers and cites sources from of
the deepest tax resource libraries

Need more capabilities? See Client Helper

Plan Features

  • IRS Website
  • Federal Tax Code
  • State Tax Code
  • IRS Form Instructions and Publications
  • Powered by GPT-4: Leverage the intelligence of GPT-4 for smarter, more insightful tax guidance beyond the basic CPA Pilot offering.
  • Precision Answers: Get the most precise and detailed explanations to intricate tax inquiries based on authoritative sources
  • Advanced Research Capability: Tackle the most complex tax scenarios with our comprehensive research tools.
  • Optimized for Tax Experts: A tool designed specifically to augment the workflow of Tax Accountants.
  • Content Creation Simplified: Easily produce engaging newsletters and social media posts tailored for tax professionals.
  • Tailored Tax Research: Conduct in-depth research on nuanced IRS and Tax Code issues swiftly and effectively.
  • Custom Tax Strategies: Generate bespoke tax plans and strategies that align with individual client needs.
  • Effortless Access to Authoritative Tax Resources: Navigate tax complexities with instant access to official IRS forms, publications, and articles.
  • Streamlined Tax Communication: Craft comprehensive emails addressing intricate tax matters within moments.
  • Expand Your Insights: Benefit from unlimited character responses for a thorough analysis.